Public Park? Or Private Playground?

Delmar Park Plan Mysteriously Disappears - Conflict of Interest Suspected

Imagine a vibrant new recreational park in Delmar, Maryland. Since the land was donated in 2019, Wicomico County's Capital Improvement Programs (CIPs) consistently promised "Connelly Mill Park," a space for leisure and recreation shaped by public input. The park at Connelly Mill was also featured as a specific project to meet Goal 4 of vibrant communities in the Tri-County Council's Comprehensive Strategic Development Plan for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.

Inexplicably, the County Executive, Julie Giordano, excluded the Connelly Mill Park project from the recently released 2025-2029 CIP. Curiously, just a few months prior, Ms. Giordano used a loophole in the County Charter enabling her to unilaterally enter into a contract with Live Wire Media, LLC to stage the off-road events now known as "Safari at the Quarry"or "Jeep Fest at the Quarry" at the Connelly Mill site. Insofar as Ms. Giordano has publicly admitted to having a long-standing relationship with the principal of Live Wire, Brad Hoffman, the purity of her motivations must be questioned. Did she act in the best interests of her constituents or to benefit an old friend?

This omission is particularly troubling given recent developments. County Executive Giordano has a close friend, Brad Hoffman, who runs off-road Jeep events, one of which named "Safari at the Quarry" or "Jeep Fest at the Quarry" set for May 4-5, 2024, and another later in July, on this property. This maneuver suggests a potential conflict of interest and raises serious questions about the true vision Giordano has for the Connelly Mill property.

  • We Demand Transparency: Residents deserve a clear explanation for the sudden exclusion of the Connelly Mill Park Master Plan. Was the public purposefully shut out of the decision-making process?
  • Call to Action: Voice your concerns and demand the County revisit the Connelly Mill Park project with genuine public input. Contact County Council members and attend public meetings.
  • Community Benefits: The benefits the park brings to Wicomico County: improved public health through recreational opportunities, a space for community gatherings, increased property values, among many others.

Below is documentation of the vision and plans for Connelly Mill Park since its donation. These include the relevant sections of the Tri-County Council Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 as well as the relevant sections of the Wicomico County Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for years 2019-present.

See the Tri-County Council website for reference

See the below snippets from the Proposed Capital Improvement Programs from 2019-present

  • Connelly Mill Park, Master Plan:

    16 December 2019

    The County acquired the 234-acre property. Proposed funding in FY21 would be utilized to develop a park master plan that would include multiple opportunities for public input and engagement regarding the future of the property.

    Fiscal Years 2021-2025

    Bob Culver
    County Executive
    December 16, 2019

    Connelly Mill Park, Master Plan: This is a new project in FY21. The County acquired the 234-acre property in 2019, which sits adjacent to the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex. While Public Works is currently utilizing the site for dirt for the landfill, a future opportunity exists to develop all or a portion of the property into a recreational park. Proposed funding in FY21 would be utilized to develop a park master plan that would include multiple opportunities for public input and engagement regarding the future of the property. The County share of the funding could come from the sale of the West Metro Core property and funds accumulated from the farming on that land.

    Connelly Mill Park, Phase I Development: This is a new project in FY23. Based on master planning efforts, the proposed project would include a Phase I development of the Connelly Mill property into a recreational amenity for the County. The County would seek Federal and/or State grant funding sources to develop the property and utilize existing County resources as matching funds. The County share of the funding could come from the sale of the West Metro Core property and funds accumulated from the farming on that land.

  • Connelly Mill Master Plan - existing project

    15 December 2020

    Proposed funding in FY22 would be utilized to develop a park master plan that would include multiple opportunities for public input and engagement regarding future plans for the property.

    Fiscal Years 2022-2026

    John D. Psota
    Acting County Executive
    December 15, 2020

    Connelly Mill Master Plan - existing project - The County acquired this 234-acre property in 2019 which sits adjacent to the north of the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex. While Public Works is currently utilizing the site for dirt for the landfill, a future opportunity exists to develop all or a portion of the property into a recreational park. Proposed funding in FY22 would be utilized to develop a park master plan that would include multiple opportunities for public input and engagement regarding future plans for the property. The County share of the funding could come from the potential sale of the West Metro Core property and funds accumulated from years of farming on that land. a POS land conversion from the West Metro Core property to Connelly Mill is currently under review by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

    Connelly Mill - Phase I - existing project - Based on master planning efforts, the proposed project would include a Phase I development of the Connelly Mill property into a recreational amenity for the County. The County would seek Federal and/or State grand funding sources to develop the property and utilize existsing County resources as matching funds. The County share of the funding could come from the potential sale of the West Metro Core property and funds accumulated from years of farming on that land.

  • Connelly Mill Master Plan - existing project

    18 December 2021

    Proposed funding in FY24 would be utilized to develop a park master plan that would include multiple opportunities for public input and engagement regarding future plans for the property.

    Fiscal Years 2023-2027

    John D. Psota
    Acting County Executive
    December 18, 2021

    Connelly Mill Master Plan - existing project - The County acquired this 234-acre property in 2019 which sits adjacent to the north of the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex. While Public Works is currently utilizing the site for dirt for the landfill, a future opportunity exists to develop all or a portion of the property into a recreational park. Proposed funding in FY24 would be utilized to develop a park master plan that would include multiple opportunities for public input and engagement regarding future plans for the property.

  • Connelly Mill Master Plan - existing project

    17 December 2022

    Proposed funding in FY27 would be utilized to develop a park master plan that would include multiple opportunities for public input and engagement regarding future plans for the property.

    Fiscal Years 2024-2028

    Julie M. Giordano
    County Executive
    December 17, 2022

    Connelly Mill Master Plan - existing project - The County acquired this 234-acre property in 2019 which sits adjacent to the north of the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex. While Public Works is currently utilizing the site for dirt for the landfill, a future opportunity exists to develop all or a portion of the property into a recreational park. Proposed funding in FY27 would be utilized to develop a park master plan that would include multiple opportunities for public input and engagement regarding future plans for the property.

  • Fiscal Years 2025-2029

    19 December 2023

    Julie M. Giordano
    County Executive
    December 19, 2023

    The Connelly Mill Master Plan is suddenly excluded entirely from this CIP.

View the Capital Improvement Plans page on the Wicomico County website

Last updated 1 month ago